Features: • Body in high duty cast iron. • Cover in special impact resistant ABS. • Two fi xed forces EN 2 – 3. • Closing speed 180°-10° and latching speed 10°- 0° adjustable by non critical thermostatic valves. • Final latch from approx. 10°. The latch angle is easily reduced by turning the forearm, up to its elimination (soft closing). The possibility to ensure a powerful latch also from an arc of just a few degrees guarantees reduced noise action in case of hard-to-close latches. • Built-in multipoint Hold Open 90° – 180° (optional). • Wide range of accessories to make all mountings possible. • Standard fi nishes: silver, gold, light bronze, matt black, traffi c white. • Mod 403 is certifi ed for use with Fire rated doors. Specifi cation text: Compact surface mounted door closer forces EN 2 and EN 3 with cast iron body, with or without multipoint hold open, with adjustable angle fi nal latch, MAB 400 series.
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